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The Guam Veterans Cemetery
Questions, Comments, or Suggestions? We'd love to hear from you!
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P. Tim Aguon, SMSgt, USAF (ret)

(671) 477-5697

172 S. Marine Corps Drive Asan, Guam 96910
What are your burial benefits?
Burial at the Guam Veterans Cemetery for all veterans and their eligible dependents (i.e., spouse, minor children under the age of 21 or under 23 years of age if a full-time student at an approved educational institution. Unmarried adult children who become physically and mentally disabled and incapable of self-support before age 21, or age 23 if a full-time student, also are eligible for burial. Certain Eligible Parents: A new Federal law passed in 2010 (Public Law 111-275) extends burial benefits to certain parents of service-members who die as a result of hostile activity or from combat training-related injuries who is buried in a gravesite with available space. The biological or adopted parents of a servicemember who dies in combat or while performing training in preparation for a combat mission, leaving no surviving spouse or dependent child is also eligible.
The average monthly burials for veterans and dependents is eleven (11). The agency coordinates all burials for veterans with the notification of the respective branch of service for military honors on all veterans. After each burial, proper forms are then submitted for headmarkers. Attendance of a staff member of the Office of Veterans Affairs is mandatory to ensure that the required military honors are rendered appropriately and to answer any questions from families.
With the completion of the grant award for the expansion and renovation of the Guam Veterans Cemetery, burial grounds and columbarias extended the life of the cemetery for another twenty (20) years.
Do you offer counseling?
The Office of Veterans Affairs assists veterans and their families in establishment of all claims and entitlements which covered under Combined Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 38, United States Code for veterans benefits.
The Guam Veterans Cemetery is located in the beautiful village of Piti right across the Jose L.G. Rios Middle School. The Guam Veterans Cemetery is accessible from the major roadways like Route 1 Marine Corps Drive and Route 6.
Guam Veterans Cemetery
150 Spruance Drive Piti, Guam 96910